Software And Applications

VBA Insert Method of Range Class Failed – Runtime Error 1004

Introducing the VBA Insert Method: A Troublesome Encounter

Check the syntax of the VBA Insert method: Make sure you are using the correct syntax for the Insert method of the Range class. The correct syntax is “Range.Insert(Shift, CopyOrigin)” where Shift and CopyOrigin are optional parameters.

Understanding VBA Runtime Error 1004 and its Causes

When encountering VBA Runtime Error 1004, it means that the Insert method of the Range class has failed. This error typically occurs when trying to insert a column or row in a worksheet.

There are a few common causes for this error. One possible cause is if the specified column or row already exists in the worksheet. Another cause could be if the worksheet is protected and doesn’t allow the insertion of new columns or rows.

To resolve this error, you can try a few workarounds. One workaround is to use the Insert method with the Shift parameter set to xlShiftDown or xlShiftToRight, which will shift the existing data to make room for the new column or row. Another workaround is to unprotect the worksheet before inserting the column or row, and then protect it again afterward.

Remember to use Application.ScreenUpdating and Application.DisplayAlerts to minimize flickering and avoid unnecessary prompts.

For more information and solutions to this error, you can refer to the following resources:
OzGrid Forum
MrExcel Forum

With VBA’s insert method of the Range class, make sure to double-check your syntax and ensure that you are passing the correct parameters.

Solutions for the VBA Runtime Error 1004: Select Method of Range Class Failed

If you encounter the VBA Runtime Error 1004: Select Method of Range Class Failed, it means that the Select method is unable to work with the specified range. To resolve this issue, try the following solutions:

1. Check your code: Make sure you are using the correct syntax and referencing the correct range.

2. Avoid using Select: Instead of using the Select method, directly perform the desired actions on the range. For example, use Range(“A1”).Value instead of Range(“A1”).Select.

3. Use With statement: Utilize the With statement to perform multiple actions on the same range. This can help simplify your code and avoid the need for the Select method.

4. Use Worksheets or Sheets: Specify the worksheet or sheet where the range is located to ensure it is selected properly. For example, use Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”).Select instead of Range(“A1”).Select.

By implementing these solutions, you should be able to resolve the VBA Runtime Error 1004: Select Method of Range Class Failed. For more detailed discussions and examples, you can refer to the following resources:
– [VBForums](
– [MrExcel Forum](

Troubleshooting VBA Runtime Error 1004: Method “Range” of Object Failed

If you encounter the VBA runtime error 1004 with the message “Method ‘Range’ of object ‘_Global’ failed,” there are a few possible causes and solutions you can try.

First, check if the range you are referring to actually exists in your worksheet. Ensure that the range is valid and properly defined.

Next, check if the worksheet is protected. If it is, you may need to unprotect the sheet before accessing or modifying any ranges.

Another potential issue could be with the syntax of the range reference. Double-check that you are using the correct syntax, such as specifying the sheet name followed by the range address.

If you are using the Selection object and the error occurs, try using the ActiveCell object instead.

Additionally, make sure that the workbook and worksheet you are referencing are open and accessible.

Sub InsertRow()
Dim rng As Range
Dim newRow As Range

' Assuming you have a worksheet named "Sheet1"
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10")

' Insert a new row at the first cell of the range
Set newRow = rng.Cells(1).EntireRow
newRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

This code defines a subroutine named `InsertRow` that inserts a new row at the beginning of the specified range (“A1:A10” on “Sheet1”). The `Insert` method is used on the `EntireRow` property of the first cell within the range, pushing the existing rows down.

Please note that this is a general example and may not directly address the issue you are encountering with the “vba insert method of range class failed.” Providing more context or specific details about the error would allow for a more accurate and helpful response.

How to Fix VBA Runtime Error 1004: Activating and Selecting Sheets for Range Operations

To fix VBA Runtime Error 1004 when activating and selecting sheets for range operations, follow these steps:

1. Ensure that the sheet you want to activate or select exists in the workbook.
2. Use the correct syntax to reference the sheet. For example, use “Sheets(“Sheet1″).Activate” instead of “Sheet1.Activate”.
3. Make sure the sheet you want to activate or select is not hidden or protected. Unhide or unprotect the sheet if necessary.
4. Check if there are any typos in the sheet name or range reference. Correct any errors in the code.
5. Avoid using the Select or Activate methods unless absolutely necessary. Instead, use the direct object reference to perform operations on the sheet.
6. If you need to perform range operations, use the Range object instead of selecting the sheet.
7. Ensure that the workbook containing the sheet is open and accessible.
8. If you are working with multiple workbooks, qualify the sheet and range references with the appropriate workbook object.
9. If you encounter the error while using the Autofilter or Autofill methods, check if the range or criteria is valid and properly formatted.

Remember to always test your code and make any necessary adjustments based on your specific requirements.

For more detailed instructions and examples, you can refer to this forum thread: Fixing VBA Runtime Error 1004.

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